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SA/NT Technical night: Compressive Seismic Imaging

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Compressive Seismic Imaging (CSI): Keith Millis, SAExploration

The Shannon-Nyquist Sampling Theorem has long governed seismic theory and formed the basis for proper seismic design. It states that a continuous function can be completely described by a series of discrete samples, provided the sample rate is at least two times the maximum frequency present within the signal. Compressive Sensing (CS) – a technique used in medical imaging and digital cameras – has shown that perfect reconstruction is still possible when the sample-rate criteria is not satisfied.

Compressive Seismic Imaging (CSI) is the application of CS theory to seismic. Through proper spatial sampling, known as Non-Uniform Optimal Sampling (NUOS), CSI has shown distinct advantages to seismic imaging, including drastic increases in fold, trace density and bandwidth; proper noise attenuation of previously challenging surface wave modes; improved imaging both generally and in areas with substantial infrastructure; footprint attenuation; among others. As the evolution of seismic imaging continues, we will highlight the impact of CSI, blended acquisition, and broad bandwidth, with examples from various case studies.


$10 for non members, free for students and members.

Cocktail food and drinks provided.


Currently Lead Geophysicist at SAExploration, Keith has as distinct passion for our profession and energy industry as a whole. An active member of the SEG, CSEG, and APEGA, Keith is currently a member of the CSEG Chief Geophysicists Forum. He has recently been on the CSEG Executive as Director of Communications, SEG Council, APEGA Executive, chair of the CSPG Honorary Address, and member of the GeoConvention Technical Committee. Throughout his career at Anderson Exploration, Devon Canada, BJV, with leadership roles at OptiSeis and SAExploration, he has pursued imaging improvements through innovative acquisition design, modeling, processing, and IFQC on seismic programs around the world. He has presented several times at GeoConvention, SEG Annual Meetings, and published papers in the CSEG Recorder. In addition to industry and volunteer positions, he is an avid musician who enjoys raising his two daughters and son.

SA/NT: Technical night & AGM

Monday, February 11, 2019

It is with great pleasure I write to invite you to our first technical event for the year- with the ASEG President Marina Costelloe from Geoscience Australia as our guest speaker, and a short AGM. 

The event will be held at the beautiful historic Ayers House, in the Ballroom. We will have a brief AGM followed by a presentation by Marina, “The Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists: The President, Diversity and Science.” A cocktail lunch and drinks will be served with a small cost of $5 for members and students, and $15 for non-members. Please see more details in the attached PDF. Tickets need to be purchased on Eventbrite by Sunday 3rd February for catering purposes. Please contact me at with any dietary requirements or questions. 

This event coincides with International Women and Girls in Science Day, as such I take this opportunity to suggest you invite any women (or men) geoscientists who may like to come along to this event. 

Lastly, a friendly reminder to renew your ASEG membership if you haven’t yet. 

I look forward to seeing you on February 11th!

Kate Robertson 

ASEG SA/NT President 

SA/NT Student night & Christmas party

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Three talks are on offer.

'Geology from geophysics' by Joel Stockill (Santos)

'A multi-method hydrological study of Wither Swamp in the Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia', by Robin Keegan-Treloar (Flinders University)

'Constraining the regional slope of Western Papua New Guinea: A study of Lithospheric Flexure' by Michael Rieger (Adelaide University)

Food & drinks from 17:30 in the upstaris bar

Presentations from 18:15

Students & Members: Free

Non-members: $10

There is a prize for best dressed so come in festive atire.

The night is sponsored by Santos.

Please contact Kate Robertson for more details

SA/NT Technical night: Industry sponsor talks and networking

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The SA/NT branch' Technical Night is will consist of presentations from the branch' sponsors:

  • Government of South Australia Department for Energy and Mining
  • Heathgate
  • Beach energy
  • Minotaur Exploration
  • Zonge Vintage Energy

It will be an educational and networking opportunity for student, industry, consultant, research, and government geophysicists.

Drinks and food from 5:30 pm, in the upstairs bar
Presentations beginning at 6:15 pm
Members: free, Non-members $10, Students: free

SA/NT: Geofamily Christmas Picnic

Saturday, December 1, 2018

The final GeoFamily picnic for 2018 will be at the newly renovated Pityarilla Activity Hub (formerly Marshmallow Park) with a Christmas theme! All are welcome, families, friends and guests (no need to be a member, all are welcome!) Don't have kids? Come and enjoy the park and the social networking anyway. GeoFamily picnics are held to promote a healthy work/life balance, professional networking activities, and allow everyone a chance to be involved in our professional organisations. Its also a great way to foster a love of outdoors, adventure and nature play with the next generation of geoscience, engineering and metallurgy students...!

We will have some Christmas colouring, and other activities (games) and it would be great to see some Christmas cheer in action. There is a lot of shade, but remember to bring a hat and sunscreen also. There is space to scoot/ride too, and remember to pack a change of clothes as water play is a major feature of this park!

There is ample roadside parking, and some of the new facility features include:

  • Marshmallow Park is fully fenced
  • The rock hill with interactive water play features
  • BBQs and sheltered picnic tables
  • Lots of grassy spaces perfect for kicking a footy or having a picnic
  • Right next to the two fenced dog exercise areas
  • Brand new Exeloo toilets complete with toilet music

Please RSVP to

This event is brought to you by The AusIMM Adelaide Branch, ASEG, GSA-SA Division, and the DEM.

Please join us for a fantastic event!

Geological Society of Australia Earth Sciences Student Symposium in South Australia

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Geological Society of Australia Earth Sciences Student Symposium in South Australia. A conference designed to allow honours, masters and PhD students from three South Australian universities (The University of Adelaide, Flinders University and University of South Australia) to come together and present their earth sciences related research to the local scientific community. This second annual event will be held on Wednesday 5 December at the new University of Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences Building.

More information and to register

South Australian Exploration and Mining Conference

Friday, December 7, 2018

South Australian Exploration and Mining Conference. This is the ideal opportunity for active mineral explorers and miners to present succinct technical updates of activities on their flagship South Australian mines and exploration projects. It is the premier mineral industry event in South Australia for the year and is always well attended as an excellent place to network among industry peers. It will be held on Friday 7 December at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

More information and to register

National MT and AusLAMP SA Release Day

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The national UNCOVER strategy identified the collection of a national network of magnetotelluric (MT) data as one of the highest priorities for the Australian geoscientific community. AusLAMP is a collaborative national MT project focused on acquiring long-period MT data at approximately 2,800 sites across Australia at about 50 km spacing.

The aim of this workshop is to celebrate the success of AusLAMP by bringing the MT community of Australia together with all interested in understanding the lithospheric architecture of the continent, to discuss the methodology, interpretation and future progress of this important geophysical method and associated datasets.

The workshop will also celebrate the completion of the South Australian portion of AusLAMP and the release of this new MT data. Magnetotellurics has the capacity to provide an unprecedented insight into the architecture of the Australian continent and its mineral systems. This insight is revolutionising the way in which mineral exploration is conducted and this workshop will explore the key outcomes of AusLAMP.

More information and to register

Gawler Craton Airborne Survey workshop

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The 1.67 million line kilometre GCAS is the largest airborne magnetic–radiometric – digital elevation model survey in South Australia’s history, providing magnetic and radiometric data at a scale and level of detail never before seen in regional geophysical data acquisition by the South Australian government. The GCAS project team has collaborated closely with Geoscience Australia, GCAS contractors and experts in the fields of magnetics and radiometrics to ensure that current best practices are followed for the duration of the acquisition and that the range of GCAS deliverables have the potential to reinvigorate mineral exploration in the Gawler Craton.

The aim of this workshop is to demonstrate the utility of the new GCAS datasets and value-added products by bringing the principal project participants together with industry and other agencies who have an interest in the project and products to discuss methodologies, interpret the results and deliver the roadmap for the remainder of the GCAS acquisition and data releases. The complete package of project management, quality control framework and enhanced deliverables have value to other jurisdictions as it sets new standards in magnetic–radiometric–elevation data capture and delivery.

More information and to register

GSSA Discovery Day

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Discovery Day is the premier event for the GSSA and collaborating organisations to deliver data and its geoscientific value to our stakeholders, in particular the minerals industry. This year the wide range of activities of the GSSA will be covered, in particular, the results of recent geological mapping in the central Gawler Craton region, geochemical investigations into the mantle beneath the Gawler Craton and a summary of commodity trends viewed from a South Australian perspective. In addition, we will be having a panel session that looks at the emerging technologies for non-destructive analysis of geological material relevant for mineral exploration.

Discovery Day will also feature an exhibition space with posters and interactive displays of South Australian geology and recent geoscience, including a review of the geology and tectonics of the Kanmantoo Group in the east of South Australia, new geophysical datasets from GCAS. The South Australian Museum exhibit is sure to be a favourite with some spectacular minerals from South Australia on show.

More information and to register
