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ASEG Research Foundation – Application for 2024 Grants – close 1st March 2024
The ASEG Research Foundation continues to back students in their degree studies. Through a competitive process, the Foundation makes annual grants to support the laboratory and fieldwork necessary to carry out the research projects that are essential for the completion of Honours, Masters or PhD degrees. The Foundation has existed now for 34 years and has spent over $1.5m dollars with the support of the ASEG and tax-deductible donations made by members, supporting companies and others. This year we have been able to support four new projects, one BSc, one MSc and two PhD’s. Thank you for the generous support of the ASEG ($45,000) and members.
Applications for 2024 grants are now open and the notice is displayed in this Preview. Information and application form is located at:
The Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists Research Foundation (ASEG RF) has been in existence since 25 September 1989 and to date has supported 115 projects and committed over $1 000 000 to support geophysical students at BSc (Honours), MSc and PhD levels at 13 universities in Australia. The ASEG RF is run by a committee of volunteers from academia, minerals, petroleum, engineering and environmental facets of the exploration geophysical industry. An article in Preview describes the origins of the ASEG RF as well as key statistics relating to the foundation’s activities. Several recipients of foundation grants tell the story of what the grants have meant to their studies and the paths their careers have taken. Also highlighted are the grant application process and the source of funds and donations as well as committee roles.
To attract high-calibre students into exploration geophysics, and thus to ensure a future supply of talented, highly-skilled geophysicists for industry.
To promote research in Applied Geophysics, by providing research grants at the BSc(Honours), MSc, and PhD level (or equivalent).
The research fundation is funded in two ways. Funds are made available from the ASEG both directly and from corporate memberships. Funds can also be donated directly by anybody. Members of the ASEG are encouraged to donate when they repay their subscriptions each year.
Donations of $2.00 and over are tax deductable at 100% of donation amount.
The ASEG Reseach Foundation Committee comprises ASEG members from mining, petroleum and academic backgrounds, who serve on an honorary basis, and who share the administrative costs to spare Research Foundation funds from operating charges.
Extended overview of the ASEG Research Foundation
The ASEG Research Foundation formally commenced its function in September, 1989, with the first projects supported in 1990. It was established to address the decline in student enrolments in exploration geophysics which is no doubt part of the apparent worldwide declining interest in science. The overall aim of the ASEG Research Foundation is to attract high calibre students into exploration geophysics and thus ensure a future supply of talented, highly skilled, geophysicists for industry.
The ASEG Research Foundation achieves its aim by promoting research in applied geophysics specifically by providing research grants at the B.Sc.(Hons.) and M.Sc level or equivalent. The ASEG Research Foundation Committee has now decided to extend support to Ph.D. projects. The grants are paid directly to the relevant Australian University departments to cover field or laboratory expenses associated with the project. Grants are not provided as student scholarships in order to preserve the tax deductibility status of donations.
ASEG members from mining and petroleum as well as from academia serve on an honorary basis on the ASEG Research Foundation Committee. All administrative costs are borne by the committee members and no ASEG Research Foundation funds are used for operating expenses. Phillip Harman is the Chairman of the Foundation & Doug Roberts is the Secretary. Peter Priest continues to support the ASEG Research Foundation as Treasurer.
The ASEG Research Foundation can only carry on its work through the generous donations from individuals and companies. The ASEG has provided a significant contribution in the past and we hope will continue to do so in the future. The SEG has also made a contribution and has been invited to do so again. Although it is our hope that the ASEG Research Foundation will eventually have a sustainable funding base through interest earned on its capital we still rely heavily on donations to ensure that we can support four to five worthy projects per year at the B.Sc. or M.Sc. level. We therefore like to encourage individual ASEG members, companies and other Institutions with an interest in exploration geophysics to make a donation to the ASEG Research Foundation. We encourage contributions of $5,000 per annum from major companies or lesser amounts from smaller companies, Institutions and individuals. All contributions are fully acknowledged in Preview. Furthermore, since the ASEG Research Foundation is an Approved Research Institute, all contributions are fully tax deductible.
Funding Levels Available
Grants are made to projects, rather than people, that is they will not be "Scholarships". For B.Sc.(Hons.) and M.Sc. projects, annual grants of up to $5,000 will be made to the Tertiary body responsible for the project - usually a University. Additional funds beyond $5,000 could be provided in exceptional cases, at the discretion of the ASEG Research Foundation. The graph below plots the number of concurrent projects supported since 1991.
Grants of up to $10,000 per annum will be made for Ph.D projects.
The funds are used in support of the project, for example, for travel costs, rental of equipment, and similar purposes. Funds must be accounted for and, if not used, should be returned to the ASEG Research Foundation.
Source of Funds
The ASEG Research Foundation can only carry on its work through generous donations from individuals and companies.
Although it is our aim that the ASEG Research Foundation will eventually have a sustainable funding base through interest earned on its capital, we still rely heavily on donations to ensure that we can support four to five worthy projects per year at the B.Sc. or M.Sc. level. We therefore like to encourage individual ASEG members, companies and other Institutions with an interest in exploration geophysics to make a donation to the ASEG Research Foundation. We encourage contributions of $5,000 per annum from major companies or lesser amounts from smaller companies, Institutions and individuals. All contributions are fully acknowledged in Preview. Furthermore, since the ASEG Research Foundation is an Approved Research Institute, all contributions are fully tax deductible.
The ASEG has provided a significant contribution in the past and we hope will continue to do so in the future. The SEG has also made a contribution and has been invited to do so again.