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ASEG Publications include an internationally recognised scientific journal, Exploration Geophysics, and a stimulating news magazine Preview. in 2018, the society introduced a monthly newsletter. Contributions to all these publications from ASEG members are always welcome.

Anyone may access Preview free of charge and everyone can read abstracts from Exploration Geophysics. ASEG Members can access the full articles in Exploration Geophysics free of charge. Non-members may access Exploration Geophysics but will be charged for each paper. Non-members may join the ASEG here.


Exploration Geophysics is published by Taylor & Francis on behalf of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG), Society of Exploration Geophysics of Japan (SEGJ), and Korean Society of Earth and Exploration Geophysicists (KSEG).

The journal presents significant case histories, advances in data interpretation, and theoretical developments resulting from original research in exploration and applied geophysics. Papers that may have implications for field practice in Australia, even if they report work from other continents, will be welcome. ´Exploration and applied geophysics´ will be interpreted broadly by the editors, so that geotechnical and environmental studies are by no means precluded.

Papers are expected to be of a high standard. Exploration Geophysics uses an international pool of reviewers drawn from industry and academic authorities as selected by the editorial panel.

The journal provides a common meeting ground for geophysicists active in either field studies or basic research.


The Journal publishes excellent research in geophysics, reviews, technical papers and significant case histories in minerals, petroleum, mining and environmental geophysics, and is an official publication of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG), Society of Exploration Geophysics of Japan (SEGJ), and Korean Society of Earth and Exploration Geophysicists (KSEG). Authors and readers are professional earth scientists specialising in the practical application of the principles of physics and mathematics to solve problems in a broad range of geological situations. They are variously in industry, government and academic research institutions. All papers are peer-reviewed.

The journal is published online, and issues include special sections of particular topics, or collections of papers from the regular ASEG Conferences.

Exploration Geophysics is also the English-language mouthpiece of the SEGJ´s Butsuri Tansa and the KSEG´s Jigu-Mulli-wa-Mulli-Tamsa; the full contents of the journal are available to members of all three societies.

Digital copies of ASEG publications are hosted by Taylor & Francis and can be found at the links below:

Links To Publications
Exploration Geophysics (free access to members who have logged in)
Special Publications (free access to members who have logged in)
ASEG extended abstracts (Check this link here for easy access to conferences from particular years)
Preview (also hosted by ASEG as a flipbook and PDF edition for Issue 198 onwards)
UNCOVER Summit (included in the Preview Issue 172 online supplement. Presentations and summaries from the UNCOVER Summit and UNCOVER Workshop)
Geological Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Data ebook
ASEG Newsletters archive