Membership renewals open for 2024 - Click here


Name Purpose Current Chair Members
ASEG History The History Committee of the ASEG is the convenor of all matters of historical interest to members and is an active promoter of new material for the History Section of the website. James Reid Mailing list
Communications The team are responsible for communicating about the society and the science of exploration  geophysics through various mediums including Social Media, Newsletters, Email, Web Content and Conference Material. These new flexible mobile and modern options deliver information, promotion and engage with our members in near real time. Communication underpins our strategic vision of advancing geophysics as a science of an applied nature to benefit our members and the wider community. Mosayeb Khademi Zahedi  
Conference Advisory

The conference advisory committee reports to the FedEx and consists of chairperson (or other senior office holders) of previous Conference Organising Committees. The roles of the CAC are:

  • To advise the FedEx on all Conference matters
  • To monitor the COC and give advice if required/where appropriate
  • To plan future Conference strategies
  • To keep reports, records and statistics of ASEG Conferences.
Michael Hatch  
Education The Education committee is responsible for promoting geophysics as a profession in the scientific and wider community through learning and development opportunities, conferences, workshops and outreach education programs. Improvements to the education programs at secondary and tertiary levels by assisting schools and universities with equipment loans, science demonstrations, field trips, teaching information, data, reputable information, guest lecturers and career information is also a part of the committees agenda. Raising the awareness and explaining the importance and career opportunities in STEM and particularly as a geophysicist also falls within this committees remit.

Karen Aurisch

Finance The Finance committee is chaired by the current Federal Treasurer. In conjunction with the Federal Executive the committee oversees the corporate financial governance of the Society. The committee will provide advice to the Treasurer on matters affecting the annual budget of the Society, provide advice to the Federal Executive on the strategic allocation and investment of Society Funds and look after other business as requested by the FEDEX. The Treasurer will report monthly to the FEDEX and provide a summary report to Council at ASEG conferences.

Yvette Poudjom Djomani

Honours and Awards The H&A Committee is responsible for overseeing the process of advertising, nomination, selection, recommendation of awardees to the Federal Executive, and presentation of the ASEG awards at each conference. In practice, the Chairman carries out most of these tasks after soliciting advice and obtaining consensus from the Committee, which presently comprises six long-standing members representing a broad geographical and technical spectrum of the membership. Andrew Mutton is the Committee Chair. Marina Costelloe  
International Affairs The international committee serves as a point of contact with ASEG for members residing in countries other than Australia. They promote the ASEG beyond Australia - including the promotion of ASEG conferences, speakers, workshops, events, and journals to a wider international audience. Randall Taylor  
Membership The Committee is charged with the responsibility to manage the overall membership process and to advise the FEDEX and the Secretariat on issues relating to membership. Each month The Chair submits membership data to the Fed Ex for strategic planning and budgeting decisions. The Membership committee also are responsible for reminding members to renew their membership. To help our membership committee please pay your membership fees on time, which also entitles you to a discount. Suzanne Haydon  
Professional Development A new committee which looks at advising and helping organise continuing education programs for professional geophysicist to update their knowledge and skills. These programs may include mentoring, coaching, business managements skills, presentation skills and leadership skills.

Sasha Aivazpourporgou


The Committee oversees, on behalf of the FEDEX, the production of all ASEG publications including publication policy, editorial and technical content, editorial and publication standards, scheduling of production and delivery to members.

The Committee reports regularly to the FEDEX on the status of the publications and other issues pertaining to publications. Publication matters represent a major proportion of society spending.

Steve Hearn  
Research Foundation The overall aim of the ASEG Research Foundation is to attract high calibre students into exploration geophysics and thus ensure a future supply of talented, highly skilled, geophysicists for industry. Phil Harman  
Technical Standards The ASEG’s Technical Standards Committee is responsible for implementing industry wide standards to aid in data transfer and data quality. Tim Keeping  
Web Maintain and develop the ASEG's web presence Gokul Venu Sreebindu Ian James


Specialist Groups

Name Purpose Current Chair Members
Near Surface Geophysics NSG covers all geophysical methods, data acquisition, interpretation and method development that was used for geotechnical, groundwater, environmental geophysics for civil, mining, hazard identification, agricultural, archaeological and defence purposes. This includes all geophysics (downhole, surface, marine and airborne geophysical data) that may have been originally collected for oil and gas or minerals exploration, but is reinterpreted for geotechnical, groundwater, environmental geophysics for civil, mining, hazard identification, agricultural, archaeological and defence purposes. Volunteer Here mailing list
Young Professionals

The Young Professionals group champion the interests of young employees in the profession of geophysics. There is no age limit, but is intended for people aged under 35, or those new to the profession

Jarrod Dunne mailing list