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A personal reflection on applied geophysics to the understanding of Australia’s geology and mineral potential

Event Type

Event Date

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Event Location

Event Address

Zoom and Geoscience Australia physically hosted

Event Start

1730 AEST

Event End

1830 AEST

Event Details

Date: 30th March 2021

Time: 5:30 - 6:30pm AEDT



Richard retired from Geoscience Australia after more than a 30 year career of developing new geological understanding to open up provinces for exploration investment. Applied geophysics played a key component throughout his career, and this seminar will be a personal reflection on the key ‘geophysical-aha’ moments that have changed his understanding of a region’s geology and, through this new knowledge, Australia’s mineral potential.

The 30-year story begins in the field as a young geologist using geophysics to map Cape York, Pilbara and Yilgarn and seismic transects across a number of Proterozoic orogens, through the UNCOVER formulation to the lead designer of the Exploring for the Future programme.