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SAGA MT talk: 19th June

SAGA have an online talk on Friday, 19th June at 16:30 (UTC+2:00) presented by Dr Naser Meqbel.

The talk can be accessed from this link.


"The Magnetotelluric method: From theoretical background to real World near-surface and deep applications"

Short Biography

Dr. Naser Meqbel received his master's degree in geophysics from Cologne University (Germany) and obtained the Doctoral title from Freie University of Berlin in collaboration with the Research Centre for Geoscience-Potsdam, Germany (GFZ). His main research topics include 2D and 3D modelling of electrical and electromagnetic data. Together with Prof. Egbert, he is also a developer of ModEM code. In addition to his scientific contributions, he is working as a consultant for 3D EM modelling for geothermal and mineral exploration firms worldwide.


In the last few decades, the Magnetotelluric (MT) method has become a standard method in many applications and studies. Because of to the rapid instrumentation and software developments, MT can be used to recover subsurface structures from few hundreds of meters down to few hundreds of kilometres. Hence, applications of MT include but limited to shallow studies (e.g., mineral, and geothermal explorations) and deep studies (e.g., crustal, and upper mantle studies). In this presentation, we will cover the basic of the MT as a method to recover the electrical conductivity of the subsurface. We will also show and discuss examples from various applications: mineral, geothermal applications, crustal and upper mantle studies.       


This Talk is Proudly Co-hosted by University of Witwatersrand
School of Geosciences

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