The 2017 AGM of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG) will be held in Brisbane on the 10th April. The meeting will be hosted by the Queensland Branch at the XXXX brewery and alehouse. Address: Black St & Paten St, Milton QLD 4064
Drinks will be available from 6.00pm and the AGM will begin at 6.30pm.
The business of the Annual General Meeting will include:
- To confirm the minutes of the last preceding general meeting;
- To receive from the Federal Executive reports on the activities of the Society during the last preceding financial year;
- To receive and consider the financial accounts and audit reports that are required to be submitted to members pursuant to the Constitution and to law;
- To consider and if agreed approve any changes to the ASEG Constitution;
- To report the ballot results for the election of the new office holders for the Federal Executive;
- To confirm the appointment of auditors for 2017.
The AGM will be followed by a scientific presentation. The speaker and title will be advised closer to the event.
Invitation for candidates for the Federal Executive
Members of the Federal Executive serve in an honorary capacity. They are all volunteers and Members are encouraged to consider volunteering for a position on the Executive or on one of its committees. Current members are listed in Preview; please contact one of them if you wish to know more about volunteering for your society.
In accordance with Article 8.2 of the ASEG Constitution ‘…The elected members of the Federal Executive are designated as Directors of the Society for the purposes of the [Corporations] Act.’
The Federal Executive comprises up to 12 members, and includes the following four elected members:-
(i) a President,
(ii) a President Elect,
(iii) a Secretary, and
(iv) a Treasurer.
These officers are elected annually by a general ballot of members. Andrea Rutley was elected as President-Elect in 2016 and as such will stand for the position of President.
The following offices are also recognised:
(i) Vice President,
(ii) the Immediate Past President (unless otherwise a member of the Federal Executive),
(iii) the Chairman of the Publications Committee,
(iv) the Chairman of the Membership Committee,
(v) the Chairman of the State Branch Committees, and
(vi) Up to three others to be determined by the Federal Executive.
These officers are appointed by the Federal Executive from the volunteers wishing to serve the Society.
Nominations for all positions (except Past President) are very welcome. Please forward the name of the nominated candidate and the position nominating for, along with the names of two Members who are eligible to vote (as Proposers), to the Secretary:
Marina Costelloe
ASEG Secretary
Care of the ASEG Secretariat
PO Box 576
Crows Nest
NSW, 1585
Tel: (02) 9431 8622
Fax: (02) 9431 8677
Nominations must be received via post, fax or email no later than COB Tuesday 7th March 2017. Positions for which there are multiple nominations will then be determined by ballot of Members and results declared at the Annual General Meeting.
Proxy forms and further details of the meeting will be sent to Members prior to the meeting by email and made available to Members on the Society’s website.