The AGM of the ASEG Queensland Branch will be held on Tuesday 27 April at the XXXX Brewery in Milton from 1715.
QLD ASEG members interested in joining the branch committee should email before Friday 23 April.
Nominations are open for President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Representative and general committee.
For the technical talk, we’re pleased to welcome Peter Fullagar back to Brisbane. Peter will present the first of a two part talk on fast TEM inversion using conductive ellipsoids. More details on the talk can be found at the Eventbrite registration link.
Peter Fullagar - Fullagar Geophysics Pty Ltd
Beyond plates – fast TEM inversion using conductive ellipsoids
Part 1: Forward modelling
Interpreting TEM data in terms of conductive rectangular plates is effective in many situations. However, not all conductors are planar. Triaxial ellipsoid conductors are an attractive alternative: geometrically simple (corner-free), mathematically tractable at early and late time limits, and able to encompass shapes ranging from plates to elongate lenses to equi-dimensional pods. Accordingly a fast magnetostatics-based algorithm has been developed to compute ellipsoidal conductor responses in both resistive and inductive limits. Inversion of measured data then entails adjustment of ellipsoid parameters. The methodology is suitable for downhole, ground, or airborne TEM, either impulse or step response.
The event is free for members and $15 for non-members who are welcome to join prior to the meeting. Please register through Eventbrite here.
In this first of two presentations, the forward modelling algorithm is described and illustrated.