b'Data trends Wavelet Compression) and thoseReferences 2012. Multiscale Analysis of derivedfrom the Analytical Signal areGeophysical Signals Using the 2D the basis of edge detection methodsGrossmann, A., and J. Morlet. 1984.Continuous Wavelet Transform, such as Worming (Sid-Ali Ouadfeul etDecomposition of Hardy functionsWavelet Transforms and Their al. 2012). into square integrable wavelets ofRecent Applications. In Biology constant shape. SIAM Journal onand Geoscience, D. Baleanu (ed.), I hope this helps fellow newcomersMathematical Analysis 15: 723736.ISBN:978-953-51-0212-0, InTech.to a better understanding of waveletdoi:10.1137/0515056. Yuvashankar, V., 2016. Implementation transforms. Polikar, R. 2006. Wavelet Tutorial, Rowanof The Continuous Wavelet Transform University, 14/09/2020, http://users. in the C Programming Language. rowan.edu/polikar/WTpart1.html. McMasters University, 14/9/2020. Acknowledgements Sid-Ali Ouadfeul, S., Leila Aliouane,https://lics.cas.mcmaster.ca/sites/L., Mohamed Hamoudi, M.,default/files/2017-10/vinay.pdfGary Reed, Peter Waring, and Des Fitzgerald Amar Boudella A. and S. Eladj, Free subscription to Preview online Non-members of the ASEG can now subscribe to Preview online via the ASEG website. Subscription is free. Just go to https://www.aseg.org.au/publications/PVCurrent to sign up. You will receive an email alert as soon a new issue of Preview becomes available. Stay informed and keep up-to-date by subscribing now!!NB: ASEG Members dont need to subscribe as they automatically receive an email alert whenever a new issue of Preview is published.35 PREVIEW OCTOBER 2020'