b"Crossword Preview crossword #6I'm getting too old for this1234 5 6789 1011121314Across Down2. T opographic area which has been created by the dissolution of carbonate1. A measure of the offset between two periodic signals of the same frequency. rock terrain. It is characterized by caverns, sinkholes, and the absence of3. An empirical relationship linking formation resistivity, formation water surface streams. resistivity and porosity.4.Also called matrix density; the density of a unit volume of rock matrix at zero5. A contact-resistivity probe that provides data from which the strike and dip ofporosity. bedding can be determined.8. A geophysical method in which bursts of electromagnetic energy are6.Porosity developed in a rock after its deposition as a result of fracturing ortransmitted downwards from the surface, to be reflected and refracted bysolution.velocity contrasts within the subsurface. 7.Formed in the region where found.11. Any device that converts an input signal to an output signal of a different9.In geophysical interpretation and mathematical modelling, a problem for form. which two or more subsurface models satisfy the data equally well.12.Volcanos formed when lava erupts through a thick glacier or ice sheet. 10.An igneous rock occurring as a natural glass formed by the rapid cooling of 13. The technique for forcing radiation, like gamma photons, into a beam. viscous lava from volcanoes.14. The material thrown out from the crater during the impact that formed it.Play to win!!Send your answers to previeweditor@aseg.org.au. The first correct entry received from an ASEG Member will win two Hoyts E- CINEGIFT passes. The answers will be published in the next edition of Preview.Good luck!49 PREVIEW FEBRUARY 2020"