b'Executive briefASEG newsExecutive briefThe Federal Executive of the ASEGYear to date expenditure: $ 332 753 2020 marks the 50th year of our (FedEx) is the governing body ofNet Assets: $ 848 521 wonderful Society whose success the ASEG. It meets once a month,canbeattributed to our excellent via teleconference, to see to theMember base we look forward to administration of the Society. ThisMembership another successful 50 years, which briefreports on the monthly meetingAt the time of this report, the Societywillonly be made possible through that was held in December 2019. has 588 Members renewed for 2020, it isyourcontinued supportso remind good to see so many Members renewingyourfriends and colleagues and Finances early and taking advantage of the early- renewtoday!bird discount.The Societys financial position at the endWe encourage all our Members whoMegan Nightingale of December 2019: havent yet renewed for 2020 to do so asASEG Secretary Year to date income: $ 337 582 soon as possible. fedsec@aseg.org.auNotice of Annual General Meeting (AGM)The 2020 AGM of the Australian Societyall volunteers and ASEG Members are(v)the Chair of the State Branchof Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG) willencouraged to consider volunteeringCommittees, andbe held at The Balcony Room at the Hotelfor a position on the Executive or on one(vi)up to three others to be determinedRichmond in Adelaide on April 7, 2020.of its committees. Current members areby the Federal Executive.The meeting will be hosted by the SAlisted in Preview; please contact one ofThese officers are appointed by the Branch. Details will be supplied via emailthem if you wish to know more aboutFederal Executive from the volunteers and the ASEG Newsletter. Drinks will bevolunteering for your Society. Self- wishing to serve the Society. available from 16:00 and the meeting willnominations are encouraged. Nominations for all positions (except begin at 16:30. In accordance with Article 8.2 of thePast President) are very welcome. The business of the Annual GeneralASEG Constitution The electedPlease forward the name of the Meeting will be: members of the Federal Executive arenominated candidate and the position designated as Directors of the Society fornominating for, along with the names To confirm the minutes of the lastthe purposes of the [Corporations] Act. of two Members who are eligible to preceding general meeting; vote (as Proposers), to the President To receive from the Federal ExecutiveThe Federal Executive comprises up toElect:reports on the activities of the Society12 members, and includes the following during the last preceding financial year; four elected members: David AnnettsTo receive and consider the financial(i)a President ASEG President Electaccounts and audit reports that are(ii)a President Elect Care of the ASEG Secretariatrequired to be submitted to Members(iii) a Secretary, and PO Box 576pursuant to the Constitution and to law; (iv) a Treasurer Crows NestTo consider and if agreed approve anyNSW, 1585changes to the ASEG Constitution; These officers are elected annually byTel: (02) 9431 8622To report the ballot results for thea general ballot of Members. Dr DavidFax: (02) 9431 8677election of the new office holders forAnnetts was elected as President-ElectEmail: secretary@aseg.org.authe Federal Executive; in 2019 and as such will stand for theNominations must be received via To confirm the appointment of auditorsposition of President. post, fax or email no later than COB for 2019. Tuesday 10 March 2020. Positions for The following offices are also recognised:The AGM will be proceeded by a scientificwhich there are multiple nominations presentation by a speaker yet to be(i)Vice President, will then be determined by ballot of determined. (ii)the Immediate Past President (unlessMembers and the results declared at the Annual General Meeting.otherwise a member of the Federal Invitation for candidates for theExecutive), Proxy forms and further details of the (iii)the Chair of the Publicationsmeeting will be sent to Members prior Federal ExecutiveCommittee, to the meeting by email, and made Members of the Federal Executive(iv)the Chair of the Membershipavailable to Members on the Societysserve in an honorary capacity. They areCommittee, website.FEBRUARY 2020 PREVIEW 4'