b'Webwaves Webwaveswebsite. The growth in the use of socialHopefully 2020 will continue to see an media platforms also continued, withimprovement in this regard.an increasing number of visits to theSite speed varies across browser type website originating from these platforms.(Figure 1). The fastest page loading LinkedIn, with a more professional focus,times are observed by Safari users, and currently directs the most social users tothe slowest by Google Chrome - with the ASEG website. pages taking almost three times longer The most common keyword thatto load. Chrome users represent the people use to search for the website islargest cohort of users, with over 50% of ASEG, which has consistently beensessions. Bringing up the tail end of the the most popular term. For the secondbrowser market share in 2019, we had year running Amazon is the next mosttwo users on a Playstation 4 and a solitary Ian James popular (all these searches have comeblackberry user (you know who you are).ASEG Webmaster from the USA and who knows if they are webmaster@aseg.org.au The growing use of tablets and mobile looking for the company, the river, or thedevices resulted in 22% of users forest!). Passive seismic has also been aaccessing the website from either a very common search term over the pasttablet or mobile device. Of these, 36.5% Use of the ASEG website two years, having knocked caesiumwere iPhone users and 9.5% were iPad magnetometer out of the top ten inusers. The next most common device was Welcome to the first Webwaves of the2018. a Huawei P20 phone, with 5% of mobile Twenties. With the dawn of a new decadeWhile website usage continues to besessions.well reflect on the usage of the ASEGdominated by male readers (based on website during 2019. At a broad scale,gender information from Google), femalePreview on the ASEG websitewe had 26 232 sessions during 2019, ausage of the website has continued 2.6% increase on the 2018 figure. Thisto increase over the past three years,The hosting of Preview on the ASEG continued the growth seen in 2018 offrom 30.3% of users in 2017, to 31.9%website has been a success. The Preview both sessions and unique users on thein 2018 and 32.1% of users in 2019.page is now the second most visited page on the website after the homepage, with 12% of all website activity being to view Preview. Views of the Preview page clearly spike at the release of a new issue (Figure 2), and over half of all these users download a PDF copy or view the flipbook.Online Preview readers, while predominantly from Australia, are also coming from numerous other countries around the globe. The spread represents the success of the first year of the online launch. Figure 3 illustrates global Preview Figure 1.Site speed by browser type. readership based on unique users in each country.People are most likely to consume Preview between the hours of 0900 and 1300, with over a third of all readers accessing Preview during this time. There are some night owls amongst us, however, with 2.8% of readers accessing Preview between 0200 and 0400 in their time zone.Figure 2.Preview page views in 2019.FEBRUARY 2020 PREVIEW 34'