b'Data trends Data trendshis non-radioactive rocks, such as South African PGEs.Gary then asked for a script or program to apply this transform to GDF2 files of raw airborne radiometric data so we could take a novel look at re-gridding. A quick web search revealed the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has used airborne surveys for maps of specific elements, so its not too novel an idea2. However, instead of having a nice C# program and novel grids to show you, we ran into the problem of unpredictable implementation of the ASEG GDF2 file format.Tim Keeping We started with a collection of relatively Associate Editor for geophysicalrecent flights and found that every datamanagement and analysis company had implemented the ASEG technical-standards@aseg.org.au GDF2 file format differently. The most frequent problem concerned the first line in the DFN file, the definition of the comment column in the DAT file. That initial Raw radiometrics anddefinition can treat separators randomly, and sometimes the entire definition is ASEG GDF2 hiccups abandoned. The word DATA may or may not appear in the corresponding column in The Geological Survey of South Australiathe DAT file, and spaces may not be defined (GSS) Chief Geophysicist, Gary Reed,for field width. Add that a comment can be recently took up the hobby of collectingany value, and checking for the word DATA every (legally available) element inis not a panacea.the Periodic Table, which raised theWe cannot blame company geophysicist question of whether he could legitimatefor the mess. They have clearly been his samples. This led him to the forumplaying a guessing game for a while. If we www.gammaspectacular.com, and thewant compliance then I think we need question of how to use USB Sodiumto take a good look at how this technical Iodide radiation detectors with PC soundstandard is presented, as it simply cards for 256 channels of gamma counts.should not be so difficult to implement. After stocking up on smoke detectors to make a gamma source1, and manyThe format was chosen because it is calibration runs, he produced someextremely versatile, Kim Frankcombe has excel graphs of counts. Unfortunately,produced two variations for electrical the graphs are visually underwhelmingdata3 and we are considering it as a outside the usual radioactive elements. potential exchange format between the growing list of passive seismic formats. Longer measuring time is the onlyIt is not meant to be the smallest, fastest answer for low gamma emissionor most efficient data file format, but elements, however, the graphs areclear, easily understood and readable by swamped by the high emitters. Uniformvirtually any program or programmer and logarithmic scaling do not help.now and into the future. The ASEG Then, the web site operator pointed outTechnical Standards Committee will be a non-uniform scaling trick. Effectivelyreviewing how implementation of this reverse the post measurement processformat is described, and I will keep you and multiply each channel by its energyinformed of developments.value in the IAEA 03 MeV range. The result accentuates elements higher up the channel numbers. Gary has since been able to discriminate elements in 2 https://www.nrc.gov/docs/ML0301/1 Soviet era smoke detectors are now hard toML030100071.pdfcome by so if anyone out there has access to a3 https://www.aseg.org.au/technical/aseg-supply would they please get in touch. technical-standards33 PREVIEW FEBRUARY 2020'