b'Education matters Education mattersFoundation grant, and our Society isanisotropy. I will explain observations especially delighted to see our earlyof azimuthal anisotropy across the NWS support for her career contributing tofrom the regional-to reservoir-scale. I her international recognition as an SEGfirst give a regional overview of seismic Honorary Lecturer within the decade. azimuthal anisotropy across the NWS using seismic exploration data. The results Abstract for the lectures show that fast polarization azimuths and maximum horizontal stress direction trends correlate across a geographical area spanning almost 2 000 km, which compares well with published results from earthquake seismology studies. I also discuss why azimuthal anisotropy is Michael Asten detectable in some areas of the NWS and Associate Editor for Education not in others.michael.asten@monash.edu I present a rock physics model that reproduces log azimuthal anisotropy observations in unconsolidated sand-shale SEG Honorary Lecturersequences based on Vshale and depth. to teach on petroleumThis method naturally introduces two new concepts; critical anisotropy the reservoir seismicmaximum amount of azimuthal anisotropy expected to be observed at the shallowest anisotropy sediment burial depth, where the confining pressure and sediment compaction are One of our own former students, Lisaminimal and anisotropic depth limit the Gavin, has achieved a meteoric rise frommaximum depth where stress-induced her honours year at Curtin University inazimuthal anisotropy is expected to be 2010 to become a Society of ExplorationLisa Gavin observable, where the increasing effects of Geophysicists Honorary Lecturer forconfining pressure and compaction make Australia and the Pacific South. She willIn her abstract for her lectures Lisa writes: the sediments insensitive to differential be presenting her lectures in Adelaidehorizontal stress.and Perth, 11 and 12 FebruarySeismic azimuthal anisotropy is observedFinally, I demonstrate the importance respectively, hosted by State branchesin many areas of the earth, and knowingof accounting for azimuthal anisotropy of the ASEG. The topic of the lectures iswhere it is present is important becauseand acquisition azimuth in 3D and 4D Regional to reservoir stress-inducedit affects the propagation velocity ofseismic modelling, feasibility, inversion, seismic azimuthal anisotropy. seismic waves. Not accounting forand interpretation studies. Azimuthal Details of the lecture, venues andvelocity anisotropy in processing oranisotropy does not affect the small angle other guest lectures for ASEG andinversion of seismic data can lead toreflection angles of 3D and 4D AVO, but PESA branches are at https://seg. incorrect images and physical propertyit can have a significant effect on larger org/Education/Lectures/Honorary- estimates, and, therefore, incorrectreflection angles. I show that this effect can Lectures/2020-HL-Gavin geologic interpretations. While anisotropyinfluence 4D seismic interpretation where has historically been considered athere can be an apparent 4D effect when In the decade since graduation Lisacomplication, the effect it has on datareservoir properties do not change, and a has gained a PhD from the Universitycan be utilised as a source of information,contaminated 4D effect when reservoir of Western Australia, has worked asgiving an indication of geologic featuresproperties do change.a petroleum geophysicist for Fugromuch smaller than the seismic wavelength.Seismic Imaging, for Chevron, andThe methods, techniques, and conclusions is currently at Woodside Energy inIn this lecture, I will focus on the Northdiscussed in this lecture are likely to be Perth, Australia. Her PhD projectWest Shelf (NWS) of Australia, an areauseful in other regions where stress-was supported by an ASEG Researchwith significant stress-induced azimuthalinduced azimuthal anisotropy is present.FEBRUARY 2020 PREVIEW 28'