b'CommitteesASEG newsASEG Research Foundation: Meeting notesThe ASEG Research Foundation heldof Queensland and Mike Dentith ofAs a result of a membership drive after its usual meeting in conjunction withUniversity of Western Australia made aour meeting in Perth, we successfully the AEGC. The meeting was held viauseful contribution to this discussion.welcomed a number of new members Zoom, which turned out to be quiteThe current situation aside, the parlousto the Research Foundation. They are a successful way to hold it, althoughnature of earth sciences and, in particular,Tania Dhu, Ian James, Mike Haederle, it was a pity that the circumstancesgeophysics education in the variousRoland Hill, Asmita Mahanta, Sharna Riley prevented at least some of us catchinguniversities around Australia is of greatand Chris Wijn. We also welcomed Joe up in person. concern to us all. Maybe it reflects realCucuzza who re-joined the Foundation. All members of the committee expressedchanges in the communitys attitudesThis group changes the age profile and their heartfelt thanks for the continuedto the earth sciences and the extractivediversity of the group, and they all made support provided to the Foundation byindustries that we rely so heavily upon,valuable contributions to the meeting the ASEG Federal Executive. The annualand a shift to attitudes that are morelast week and to the earlier project funding that the ASEG provides helpsaligned to the softer professions. As aselection process.to make our work worthwhile and reallySociety, we cant be guided by that. TheFinally, I thank Doug Roberts, Secretary, makes a difference. world will always need the skills of earthand Peter Priest, Treasurer, along with scientists and, in particular, geophysiciststhe committee convenors, for their on-There was quite a lot of discussion aboutto create a secure and worthwhile futuregoing dedication to the ASEG Research the falling number of applications overfor humanity. Ted Tyne indicated that theFoundation.the past few years, and the relevanceFederal Executive is more than aware of and quality of those applications.the issue, however the ASEG ResearchPhil Harman The two academic members of theFoundation would like to formallyASEG Research Foundation Chair committee, Steve Hearn of the Universityexpress its concerns. research-foundation@aseg.org.auASEG Technical Standards Committee: Meeting notesThe ASEG Technical StandardsIt was noted that magnetic gradiometrythese could be resurrected for our Committee met via Zoom on Monday 6was an underutilised technique inpurposes.September 2021. Participants were: KimAustralia, while it is apparently a norm Frankcombe, Mark Duffett, Dave Pratt,in Africa. It is hoped that promotingA new sub-committee headed by Des Fitzgerald, Phil Heath, Tim Keeping,gradiometry in government surveys andAstrid Carlton is tackling the problem Adrian Hitchman, Simge Ayfer, Davidpublicising the benefits of the techniqueof data naming conventions. This is a Allen, Astrid Carlton, Richard Barnwell,will both bring down the acquisitionperennial topic in an industry with new Yvette Poudjom Djomani, Sam Matthews,price and improve exploration outcomes. data variants and now, expectations Tania Dhu, Tim Leonard, Suzannefrom AI/ML. David Pratt commented Haydon, Difu Wang, Matthew Roth, DavidIt was also noted that when Lidar andthat we traditionally do not constrain Howard, Jeff Keetley, James Goodwin,geophysical surveys are combinedcolumn names but instead promote Matt Zengerer and Shane Mul. there can be a conflict between thestandard data aliases through formats requirement for lower altitudes for goodlike GDF2. This standard could grow to Several issues were discussed. Thesegeophysics, versus higher altitudes forinclude other topics such as aliases to were: JORC, new data formats, standardgood Lidar. Lidar usually suffers most instandardise the three major airborne aliases, and geophysics techniquesthe compromise. It was suggested thatgravity techniques, and expand to file being overlooked in Australia. Discussionthe ASEG should assess and promotenaming conventions.started with the current JORC reviewbenefits of pre-survey Lidar flights for and where ASEG can assist with financialaccurate surface models. Many of the meeting participants regulator demands that the Competentwere surprised to learn that GGIC Person be recognised as qualified toThe lack of acquisition standards inautomatically directs geophysics queries practice in the methods reported. As ageophysical drone surveying wasto ASEG. In this regard the ASEG website body created to promote science thediscussed. Contractors are increasinglyis an active resource for companies ASEG cannot designate a Competentbeing asked to sort out the dronesubmitting data. As a consequence, we Person, but we can help guide thedata that exploration companies haveshould consider the website functionality societies that are recognised by thereceived. As it would seem that everyin relation to the National Submission investment regulators. David Pratt andman and his dog has a drone start upGuidelines and ensure that it assists Kim Frankcombe will take this topic tobusiness, it was agreed that dialogueexplorers with achieving compliance Fedex. with surveyors would be futile. As(FAQs, explanations, etc).alternative it was further agreed that Adrian Hitchman gave an excellentthe ASEG should create test range(s)If readers have any questions at all, just overview of the move by MT practitionersfor drone surveyors to draw thememail us at technical-standards@aseg.to the IRIS HDF5 data format. Thetowards our standards, while promotingorg.au.committee will convey its provisionalcontracts setting out those standards. acceptance of both the IRIS specificationsDes Fitzgerald remarked that RainerTim Keeping and Des Fitzgeralds recommendationsWackerlee rough-drafted drone magneticASEG Technical Standards Committee Chair to Fedex. surveying guidelines for the SEG andtechnical-standards@aseg.org.au OCTOBER 2021 PREVIEW 6'