b'Executive briefASEG newsExecutive briefThe Federal Executive of the ASEGYear to date expenditure: $ 289 307 members for their continued support of (FedEx) is the governing body ofNet Assets: $ 774 064 our organisation.the ASEG. It meets once a month, via teleconference, to see to the administration of the Society. This briefMembership Membership survey resultsreports on the monthly meeting that was held in October 2019. We hope you findAt the time of this report, the Society hadEarlier this year we asked you to have these short updates valuable. If there is951 Members compared to 989 at thisyour say on the state of the industry and more you would like to read about on atime last year. the running of our Society. Thanks to all regular basis please contact Megan onthose Members who participated. The fedsec@aseg.org.au The renewal process has begun forresponse rate was nearly 25%. Some of 2020membership, so dont forgetthe results of the 2019 survey are shown Finances to renew early and take advantagein Figures 17.of the early-bird pricing. We are also The Societys financial position at the endoffering early-bird discounts on our of October 2019: 5-year membership packages forMegan Nightingale Active/Associate and retired Members.ASEG Secretary Year to date income: $ 322 426 As always, we are grateful to all ourfedsec@aseg.org.auFigure 1.Member employment status from August 2017 to May 2019.Figure 3.Usefulness of employment advertising on the ASEG website.Figure 2.Member employment plans for May 2019May 2020.5 PREVIEW DECEMBER 2019'