b'Membership renewalASEG newsRenew your ASEG membership before 2020 and save!The ASEG is acknowledged across theASEG membership fee 2020Early BirdRegular resources industry as a leading andIndividual Membership -Before Friday, 3 January 2020After Friday, 3January 2020 influential professional explorationAustralia Incl. GST ($AUD) Incl. GST ($AUD)geoscience society. We draw on an extraordinarily diverse pool of memberActive 152.00 175.00volunteers to lead and operate theActive 5-year membership 760.00 874.50Society, deliver our bi-monthly scientificAssociate 152.00 175.00journal, Exploration Geophysics,Associate 5-year membership 760.00 874.50(continuously over almost 50 years), ourRetired 76.00 89.00premier industry-focused magazine,Retired 5-year membership 379.50 440.00Preview, (continuously over more thanHonorary No Fee No Fee30 years) and the Societys signature International Exploration GeophysicsGraduate 66.00 76.00Conference & Exhibition (every 18Student No Fee No Feemonths for more than 40years).ASEG Membership fee 2020Regular Your membership fee is critical toIndividual MembershipInternationalExcl. GST securing the ASEGs annual programmeWorld Bank 1, 2, 3 and 4 countries* ($AUD)of publications, state and nationalGroup 1 & 2 (e.g. India, Papua New Guinea, Zambia) Active & Associate 13.30technical meetings, conferences andGroup 1 & 2 Active & Associate 5-year membership 66.50workshops, our Young Professionals initiatives and the work of the ASEGGroup 1 & 2 Retired 13.30Research Foundation. Renewing andGroup 1 & 2 Retired 5-year membership 66.50new Members are offered a generousGroup 1 & 2 Student No feediscount if they pay their fee beforeGroup 3 (e.g. Brazil, Malaysia, South Africa) Active & Associate 69Friday, 3 January 2020. Group 3 Active & Associate 5-year membership 345ASEG membership benefits include: Group 3 Retired $34.50Preview: stay up to date with currentGroup 3 Retired 5-year membership $172.50trends in exploration geophysics throughGroup 3 Student No feethe ASEGs bi-monthly magazine. Group 4 (e.g. Argentina, Canada, China) Active & Associate 159Exploration Geophysics: access high- Group 4 Active & Associate 5-year membership 795quality research results and relevantGroup 4 Retired 80case studies in the ASEGs technicalGroup 4 Retired 5-year membership 400journal. Group 4 Student No feeReduced entry fees for Australian Exploration Geoscience Conferences *See the ASEG website for the full list of countries in each group https://aseg.org.au/members/world-bank-groups-listingFree entry to monthly technical nightsPlease contact the ASEG Secretariatassistance with renewing your 2020 ASEG in your state: a wide variety of topicalby email: secretary@aseg.org.au ormembership, or with joining the ASEG for up-to date talks in an informal setting. phone: +61 2 94318677 if you needthe first time.Social events in your state: these include lunches, Christmas events and golf tournaments.Access to the annual wine offer: each year, the SA/NT Branch (with recent input from the VIC Branch) curates a selection of local wines for national distribution to members at reduced cost.Professional contacts: connect with a generous professional network with wide experience.Research funding: student Members may access funding for projects through the Research Foundation.Professional growth: mentoring and training opportunities particularly for young professionalsAccess to job advertisements posted on the ASEGs website.Opportunities to direct and contribute to the profession by serving on state and federal executive committees.DECEMBER 2019 PREVIEW 4'