b'Geophysics in the SurveysNewsFigure 3.Location of semi-permanent and permanent ANSN seismic stations across Australia as of October 2019, including the three newly installed semi-permanent stations. White and grey circles show location of AusArrray-1 and AusArray-2 movable array, respectively, deployed as part of the EFTF program. AusArray-1 was deployed from July 2017 to June 2018 and AusArray-2 was deployed in July 2019 and is expected to be retrieved in MayJune 2020.initial release end of March 2020. Alongand zip located and point data from GAsfor surveys archived before June of this with a more user-friendly GIS interfaceelectronic catalogue. year. For located survey data acquired for grids (similar interface as per the EFTFafterwards, please contact GAs client portal: https://portal.ga.gov.au/), it willFor the moment, GADDS will continueservices clientservices@ga.gov.au or Mike eventually have the capacity to clip, shipto faithfully deliver located datasetsBarlow on mike.barlow@ga.gov.au.DECEMBER 2019 PREVIEW 24'