b'Crossword solution crossword #30 solution Preview I have a beef with you1 C2 B A3 S L O P P Y J O E S RU B4 S T R O G A N O F FG N5 O S S O B U C C O NI A6 P G D 7 C8 C H I L L I C O N C A R N E O 9 MO O F T EN L T A10A B A TM E G B11 12C R A C K E R B A R R E L M E A T L O A FO N F P L13R A W I G O U L A S HN D E E SE E LD L14B I B I M B A P IE NE GF TONFree subscription toPreview ABN 71 000 876 040ISSN 1443-2471 onlineAPRIL 2024ISSUE 229Non-members of the ASEG can now subscribe to Preview online via the ASEG website. Subscription is free. Just go to https://www.aseg.org.au/publications/PVCurrent to sign up. You will receive an email alert as soon a new issue of Preview becomes available. Stay informed and keep up-to-date by subscribing now!!NB: ASEG Members dont need to subscribe as they automatically receive an email alert whenever a new issue of Preview is published.NEWS AND COMMENTARYDavid Denham retires after 25 years with e betweenPreviewBoris Gurevich on nding the balancbreadth and depth in educationLithium exploration from rst principlesFEATURESImaging the supergene search space with ANTAirborne radiometrics over Maralinga -call for a new survey58 PREVIEWAPRIL 2024'