b'NewsGeophysics in the surveysVenue and dates locked in for ASEGs inaugural DISCOVER conference!1518 October 2024 Wrest Point Hotel, HobartFigure 2. Provisional outline of the Birrindudu Basin, showing existing drill holes sampled for analysis and the northwest Northern Territory seismic survey (L214). The seismic lines displayed represent the acquired seismic path. Some segments of the displayed lines were not acquired due to restrictions. No data is available in the upper crust under these restricted segments. However, the data in the mid and lower crust is available due to acquisition design and the signal spanning the restricted segments. The survey has tripled seismic coverageThis seismic release complements the over the Birrindudu Basin and adjacentgrowing suite of data and informationSwimming lesson regions and builds on previous highlybeing delivered under the Exploring successful work in eastern and centralforthe Future OcerMusgrave drop-o time = Northern Territory, enabling newBirrindudu project and supports activegeology classroom?perspectives on the geology andexploration for critical minerals and resource potential of the region whichenergy resources for our transition to is considered highly prospective fornetzero by 2050.Mikalya Sambrooks wants minerals, geoenergy, geological storageus all to be pro-active about and groundwater resources.Raw data for this survey are available oneducating and exciting request from clientservices@ga.gov.au- Acquisition occurred at night, whichplease quote eCat#149287. ProcessedAustralian kids about minimised disruption to the communitydata will be released later in 2024.geology and geophysicsand produced better quality data due to reduced seismic noise from sourcesAdam Bailey such as wind, tra\x1bc and daytime lineGeoscience AustraliaSee page 27deployment activities.E Adam.Bailey@ga.gov.auAPRIL 2024PREVIEW 15'