b'Editors desk Editors deskAs this issue of Preview went intoFitzgerald for the opportunity to publishand Ian James (Webwaves) takes another production, southeast Australia wasthis draft paper; Universal horizontal slablook at who is using the ASEG website\x08being deluged by rain, resulting inand spherical cap Bouguer corrections\x08 Des major flooding\x08 The last time Australiahas written a preamble to the paper, whichEnjoy!saw flooding on this scale was duringis also a tribute to Richard - a man who wasLisa Worrall the last La Nia event in 2010/11\x08greatly respected and much loved\x08 Preview Editor Rainfall associated with that eventprevieweditor@aseg.org.aubroke the millennial drought and, fromAlso in this issue of Preview, Roger a geophysical perspective, resultedHenderson takes an incidentally topicalReferencesin a measurable increase in the masslook at The first gravity measurements of Australia, South-east Asia andin Australia\x08 David Denham (CanberraBoening, C\x08, Willis, J\x08 K\x08, Landerer, F\x08 W\x08 northern South America (attributed toobserved) considers the future ofNerem, R\x08 S\x08 and Fasullo, J\x08, 2012\x08 The an increase in total water storage) and,our universities\x08 Marina Pervukhina2011 La Nia: So strong, the oceans it has been argued, a consequential(Education matters) reviews the mostfell\x08 Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L19602, drop in global mean sea level of aroundrecent presentations available on thedoi:10\x081029/2012GL053055\x085 mm (Boening et al, 2012)\x08 It will beASEGs YouTube channel\x08 Mike HatchLeamon, R\x08J\x08 and McIntosh, S\x08W\x08, 2017\x08 interesting to see if the 2020/21 event(Environmental geophysics) invites GregPredicting the La Nia of 2020-21: has a similar impact\x08 Street to share his views on geophysicalTermination of Solar Cycles and interpretation strategies\x08 Terry HarveyCorrelated Variance in Solar and Whilst it is fun to speculate about(Mineral geophysics) reflects on theAtmospheric Variability\x08 AGU Fall the geophysical signature of El Niogood old bad old days\x08 Mick MicenkoMeeting Abstracts 2017, SH42A-05\x08Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events, it(Seismic window) investigates softwareLeamon, R\x08J\x08, McIntosh, S\x08W\x08, Chapman, is even more fun to speculate aboutfor tracking geological features inS\x08C\x08 et al, 2020\x08 Timing Terminators: the triggers for those events\x08 In thisseismic volumes\x08 Tim Keeping (DataForecasting Sunspot Cycle 25 regard I thank Michael Asten for drawingtrends) shares code he has developed forOnset\x08 Sol. Phys. 295, 36\x08 https://doi\x08my attention to the work of Robertregularising and mixing points with grids,org/10\x081007/s11207-020-1595-3Leamon, Scott McIntosh and their colleagues\x08 These solar physicists have systematically analysed variance in solar and atmospheric variability and suggest, as a consequence, that solar activity has a forcing effect on the ENSO (Leamon and McIntosh, 2017)\x08 I wont go into the details but they successfully forecast the 2020/21 La Nia event, and their latest work predicts that next significant La Nia will be in 2031/32\x08 (Leamon et al, 2020)\x08 Only 11 years to wait!Coming back down to earth, the measurement of gravity preoccupied Richard Lane in the last year of his life\x08 Richard died on the 1st of January 2021, and his obituary appears in this issue of Preview\x08 In 2020, in addition to acting as midwife to the release of the latest national gravity compilation, Richard drafted a paper on adjusting gravity calculations for theWhilst south eastern Australia battened down the hatches, the Editor enjoyed some snorkelling time off curvature of the Earth\x08 We can thank DesFitzroy lsland on the Great Barrier Reef.Letter to the EditorHi Lisa that so many non-scientific people believethe theoretical basis on which scientists this baloney, but Don has written a mostcan claim that divination is not just an I always enjoy reading Preview forentertaining and illuminating article thatuntenable belief but also physically the informative articles, but theexplains the history of divination and whyimpossible\x08 So thank you Don for a last (December 2020) edition, wasit was so popular in past centuries\x08 Theparticularly fascinating Preview article\x08particularly enlivened by Don Emersonsdetail that Don goes into is remarkable article on divination\x08 and must have consumed a lot of hisCheersI guess like many other geophysicists Itime, even though he was presumablyNigel Hungerford have been both baffled and infuriatednot even in lockdown! It is good to readhnh@netspace.net.au1 PREVIEW APRIL 2021'