b'Education matters GoalsThis course will not describe specific survey designs for particular geologic objectives, but after attending this course, the participant should:Understand the basic geophysical requirements of a seismic survey, based on geologic objectivesHave a much-improved knowledge of the differences between classic survey design, and what is required for modern high-end processing techniques including FWIUnderstand the concepts of simultaneous sources, compressive sensing, node acquisition, and broadband data, and see how these fit Dr Foss presenting to the NSW branch AGM. into survey design techniquesUnderstand that there is a relationship between acquisition parameters and like Hobsons choice\x08 The course willand answer a new and different set ofseismic image qualitybe delivered in two days (four hoursquestions: Understand how the basic per day)\x08 One virtual event will bringrequirements tied to modern together geophysicists from acrossAre classic survey geometriesacquisition and processing ideas Australia, although it means an earlyoutdated? What geometry is optimumcan fundamentally change the data start for our colleagues from WA\x08 given almost limitless availability ofthat is presented to an interpreter, channels, and how are these bestand why final data volumes can deployed if they are not constrained tolooksignificantly different from DISC 2020-2021: AUSTRALIA/ be connected together? legacydataVIRTUAL How do you QC data from a system that doesnt permit real time views of data? Who should attend?Survey design and seismic acquisition forHow do compressive sensing land, marine, and in-between in light ofmethodologies fit into classicalAll those interested in seismic surveys new technology and techniques geometry requirements, and canshould attend\x08 Geophysicists involved in these significantly impact how dataacquisition may discover new techniques Dave Monk is acquired and processed? Is randomand concepts which with they are 10-11 August 2021 optimum and is optimum unique? unfamiliar\x08 Geophysicists involved in 1000 am AEST Do offset and sampling requirementsprocessing seismic data will better Registration is open https://seg\x08org/ change if processing will utilize FWIunderstand the shortcomings of the shop/products/detail/287093232 and/or least squares migration? data that they are given to process, and Can very low frequencies be generated,better understand what techniques will, Description detected and used for improvedand will not, work for a particular survey\x08 inversion? The interpreter may better understand Seismic surveys are subject to manyHow should simultaneous sources bethe difference between modern seismic different design criteria, but often theutilized, and can subsequent data bevolumes presented for interpretation, and parameters are established based onseparated from the continuous recordsthe legacy data that he is accustomed to an outdated view of how data can bethat will be required if this techniqueinterpreting\x08 For those directly involved in acquired, and how it will be processed\x08is used? If two sources are better thansurvey design, the concepts will open up This course is designed to highlightone, are four better than two? the potential for acquiring better images whatis possible using modern methods,What should we expect of seismic dataof the subsurface more efficiently, and at and how they impact seismic surveyfive or ten years from now? less cost\x08design\x08Survey designs are subject to a limitedThis course is designed to cover some ofThe course does not require extensive set of operational and geophysicalthe fundamentals of survey design, butmathematical knowledge or considerations\x08 What frequencies do wewill highlight the changes in technologybackground\x08 Concepts will be explained require (in the source), and what will orthat we have seen in the past five years,in a way that the layman or manager can we detect? What geometry will beand those that are likely to developcan understand\x08 Students will be able utilized, and what record length will bein the next five years with a view toto follow and understand the course recorded? allowing seismic surveys to be designedfrom the basics to the level of asking and acquired to optimize technologyknowledgeable questions of those However, new techniques and processingefficiencies and interpretationactually involved in seismic acquisition methods require that we understandrequirements in light of new technology\x08 and processing\x08APRIL 2021 PREVIEW 28'