b'Environmental geophysics The winner of Best Poster was Andrey Volkovitsky and Evgeny Karshak (Figure4), and their efforts to improve the signal stability using adaptive filtering in AEM data sets. System stability is affected by a number of factors including system temperature and drift, etc. These are usually corrected by taking the system to higher altitude and calibrating the systemthe method described in the poster is an effort to reduce the frequency of calibrations. This technique involves adding EM information at the receiver at frequencies that are invisible to the data frequencies (we are working in the frequency domain here). By taking advantage of the stability of the added signal, it is possible to use this information to digitally filter the received signal, and thereby stabilise Figure 3.Thats not a drone, THIS is a drone! The UAV that will be carrying the new SkyTEM dronethe signal of interest. By the way, it mounted AEM antenna. Photo courtesy of SkyTEM. was interesting to see a good turnout from various Russian institutes. They are doing some really good science, so good to see them attend.So now we come to the crux of the problem for me and a number of the participants that I spoke to (over a beer or two) at AEM 2023. We agreed that this event had everything that we liked about the ASEG conference of old. Lots of interesting geophysics, a reasonable ( ) number of attendees, great venue, serious international attendance, lots of opportunities to get together over drinks and dinner to talk about the day, and so on. I have heard from many that they feel that at our last few big conferences the geophysics is getting lost in the noise. And by the way, reports are that, even given the remote location, this event will be able to contribute surplus funds to the ASEG. A more focused geophysical conference with something like five times the delegates, about five times the geophysical content, with a limited number of streams, etc., just sounds more fun, and can be set up, using the surplus of experience still kicking around in the ASEG. And maybe, the conference could even be heldin exotic locations like Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney (at least every now and then).By the way, Im hearing rumours that something like what I am hoping for is already happening. I for one will support this.Figure 4.Co-author Evgeny Karshakov (Andrey Volkovitsky was the lead author), showing off the winning poster at AEM 2023. They are both from the of Institute of Control Sciences, based in Moscow.OCTOBER 2023 PREVIEW 30'