b'Crossword Preview crossword #9Famous names in the geosciences1 324 567 891011 1213Across Down1.German geophysicist who first proposed the controversial yet radical theory1.Canadian geologist whose contributions to the theory of plate tectonics of continental drift. introduced the idea of hotspots and the recognition of transform boundaries, 4. Scottish geologist largely responsible for the general acceptance of the viewand who later postulated a model for the formation and breakup of that all features of the Earths surface are produced by physical, chemical, andcontinents.biological processes through long periods of geological time. 2.American geologist and pioneer in the field of planetary science who became 7.French geophysicist and geodesist whose expedition over the Andes enabledthe first and so far, only person ever to receive a lunar burial.him to become the first person to measure the horizontal gravitational pull3. Generally regarded as one of the greatest mathematicians of all time for of mountains. his contributions to number theory, geometry, probability theory, geodesy, 8. F rench mathematician and physicist that invented the torsion pendulum andplanetary astronomy, the theory of functions, and potential theory, including for which the unit of gravity gradient is named after. electromagnetism.10. Danish geologist who proposed the revolutionary idea that fossils are the5. Scottish geologist, chemist and naturalist who established one of theremains of ancient living organisms and that many rocks are the result offundamental principles of geologyuniformitarianism.sedimentation, containing a chronological history of geologic events. 6.French naturalist whose works laid the foundation of vertebrate 11. A Swiss peasant and mountaineer whose observations started the science ofpaleontology. He established extinction as a fact and later became the most glaciology. influential proponent of catastrophism in geology.13. The German physicist whose name is synonymous with the method of9. Geophysicist whose equations relate the amplitudes of P-waves and seismic migration. S-waves at each side of an interface, between two arbitrary elastic media, as a function of the angle of incidence and are largely used in reflection seismology for determining structure and properties of the subsurface.12. American seismologist and physicist who developed a scale for measuring earthquake magnitude.Play to win!!Send your answers to previeweditor@aseg.org.au. The first correct entry received from an ASEG Member will win two Hoyts E- CINEGIFT passeswhich can be used after cinemas re-open. The answers will be published in the next edition of Preview.Good luck!53 PREVIEW AUGUST 2020'