b'Crossword Preview crossword #4 12345 6 7 89 10 11 1213 14 Across Down3. The stress-strain ratio for simple shear in isotropic materials that obey Hookes1. The sinuous trace of a stream channel often best developed over a floodplainlaw 2. A fold which maintains its geometric form, integral wavelength, and4. A seismic wavelet where the attenuation is proportional to the square of thesymmetry throughout a sequence of layers frequency 6.Visually, the most prominent lunar crater5. I n marine ecosystems, the shore area or intertidal zone where periodic7. The total continuous and interconnecting void space in the bulk volume of exposure and submersion by tides is normal soil or rock10. A very fine aggregate of crystals in an igneous rock, and to minerals in8. The colour of a mineral when in the form of powderwhich the individual crystals are too fine to be distinguished, even under a9. A wavefront which has no effective curvature because of its distance from thepetrological microscope source12.In statistics, applied to the re-evaluation of probabilities based on empirical11.The time taken for a wave to travel from a source generator, through some observations media, to a detector at a known offset13. A variety of chalcedonic silica, which is reddish-brown, opaque and cryptocrystalline14. A measure of the tendency of a gas to escape or expand Play to win!!Send your answers to previeweditor@aseg.org.au. The first correct entry received from an ASEG Member will win two Hoyts E- CINEGIFT passes. The answers and the winner will be published in the next edition of Preview.Good luck!49 PREVIEW OCTOBER 2019'