Title: Induced Polarization effects in Electromagnetic data: opportunity or waste of time?
Speaker: Francesco Dauti, PhD student at University La Statale of Milan
Date/Time: 30/03/2023 @ 1645
Zoom Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6tN9sU_uQNmzPI0s3EaWow
The possibility to model the Induced Polarization (IP) effects from the time-domain Airborne Electromagnetic (TD-AEM) data has gained considerable interest in the last two decades from both industry and academia.
Recently, it has been physically demonstrated that IP effects can distort AEM data that, if not recognized and properly treated, can lead to artefacts in the modelled resistivities. What it is still unclear though is if these distortions can be robustly recovered and modelled, providing useful information on polarisation effects within the ground.
Results on two aspects of airborne IP (AIP) modelling will be discussed:
(i) if modelled AIP effects can give significant information for exploration, and
(ii) if it is possible to measure and model AIP in AEM fixed-wing systems.
Francesco Dauti is a Ph.D. student in exploration geophysics at University La Statale of Milan. He took a bachelor’s and a master’s degree at University of Pisa, in geological sciences and in exploration and applied geophysics. His current research field is about the integration of galvanic and inductive Induced Polarization techniques for mineral exploration, both in terms of modelling, inversion, and interpretation.
Francesco Dauti is a Ph.D. student in exploration geophysics at University La Statale of Milan. He took a bachelor’s and a master’s degree at University of Pisa, in geological sciences and in exploration and applied geophysics. His current research field is about the integration of galvanic and inductive Induced Polarization techniques for mineral exploration, both in terms of modelling, inversion, and interpretation.