b'Education matters Inaugural Camp for Applied Geophysics Excellence (CAGE)a team of geoscientists workinggeophysical equipment came from with geophysical data without aSouthern Geoscience Consultants, MinEx comprehensive understanding of dataCRC, The University of Adelaide, GHD, collection techniques, and processingEnviroCopper, Flinders University, Zonge, and modelling strategies. The ASEG isGeological Survey of South Australia, GA, uniquely placed to help bring togetherUniversity of Queensland Sustainable industry, government and universityMinerals Institute, University of Tasmania geophysicists to provide training that willand Newcrest Mining. Software licences The inaugural Camp for Appliedhelp fill this gap in understanding. were donated by Mira Geoscience, Geophysics Excellence (CAGE) was run inSeequent and Geometrics.late September this year, and would notCAGE aims to give geoscientists have been possible without tremendousexposure to the entire process ofThe attendees were so engaged, drive and support from the ASEG. Thanksgeophysics, from data collectionenthusiastic and hard-working to CAGE, 22 student and early careerthat they not only managed geophysicists have now received intensiveto interpretation, whilst makingto develop good geophysical training in the acquisition, processing andlifelong networks to kickstart modelling of geophysical data, and havecareers. models, they also produced some built a fantastic network amongst bothgreat integrated interpretations their peers and industry leaders. From the start, CAGE has receivedwith the known geology and The motivation for CAGE was theincredible support from the entirehydrogeology of the field region.recent decline in geophysics traininggeophysics community, highlighting opportunities at Australian universities,the need for more extensive fieldAs well as support for CAGE, there with opportunities for field trainingtraining. Financial support for CAGEwas also considerable demand for the becoming particularly scarce. Industrycame from ASEG, AuScope, NExUS, andCamp, with more than 70 applications has also moved to hiring geophysicistsBHP (platinum level) and GA (bronzereceived for the 25 available places. The through contracting and consultancylevel). In-kind support in the form ofselection and promotion committee companies, so there is a risk of havingstaff time, venue access and loanedselected the attendees on the basis of The CAGE 22 cohort. Photo taken by Kate Brand. Photos in the photo composite were taken by Richard Lilly, Kate Brand and Kate Selway.DECEMBER 2022 PREVIEW 26'