b'Presidents pieceASEG newsPresidents piecethe resources market adding stressorsAs you will know, each of us only has a on our Members and volunteers. Andcertain bandwidth that we can devote this will be combined with an existingto areas in our life, and by creating total problem in Australia, which is theclarity on what is important to the ASEG, collapse of the tertiary geophysicalwe can harness our precious time to education sector, therefore reducing thework on high-value activities to drive the supply of suitably qualified and trainedoutcomes that are important to us.geophysicists.Through the day, as we worked on Whilst no-one can predict the future,these outcomes, it became clear that we know the broad contours of thethe consensus view of the FEDEX was Emma Brand challenge in front of us, and the ASEGthat our international membership base will need to respond to these macrois one that needs further support. Our Members and readers factors to continue to thrive for our nextinternational Members make up over 50 years. We are very fortunate to be in10% of our membership base, which Welcome! At the AGM on April 7, I wasa strong financial position, the result ofis comparable to the size of the NSW, delighted to officially step into the rolehistorically sound financial management,QLD and SA/NT branches. However, at of President of the ASEG and to takeand to have an incredibly passionatethe moment the role of International the reins of a society that has been soMember base, including individualsChair is vacant and our international capably and professionally led by Dr Kateand corporate members, and an armyMembers have no special representation. Brand for the last 12 months. of engaged volunteers who dedicateTherefore, my first call to action is to seek significant time to the ASEG. your suggestions and recommendations It would be natural for you aswith respect to the role of International Members of the ASEG to ask why IBut we cannot rest of our laurels, as theChair. This is a key role that will am interested in stepping into thisdecisions we make today will influencesupport our international Members by role. The ASEG has been a part of myour future. Therefore my focus, andrepresenting their needs and delivering professional career since day one,the focus of the FEDEX, for the next 12on outcome #1.providing me with invaluable scientificmonths will be for us as an organisation knowledge, a network of like-mindedto deliver on three clear outcomes: For outcomes #2 and #3, an immediate and supportive geophysicists, andopportunity that is presented to us is numerous opportunities to give back1.Improving support and increasedthrough the JORC Code review. If you through volunteer roles, which have alsoaccessibility of international Members; are not familiar with JORC, it is the contributed to my broader professional2.Establishing the ASEG as the society ofAustralasian Code for Reporting of development and leadership skills. Ivechoice for geophysicists; Exploration Results, Mineral Resources had roles at the State level as Secretary,3.Improving the use of geophysics andand Ore Reserves, and is a professional and at the Federal level as Membershipthe recognition of its value. code of practice that sets the minimum Chair (and for a very short period asstandards for Public Reporting of Education Chair). And for the past 12These outcomes are on top of our fiveMinerals Exploration Results, Mineral months Ive held the role as Director andcritical core business outcomes: Resources and Ore Reserves. The Code President-Elect. Paralleling these rolesis currently under review, and an area with the ASEG, my professional career as1.Improving member value andthat has significant impact on our a seismic geophysicist has evolved fromnurturing member relationships; Members and the science of geophysics being a technical contributor, to a sub- 2.Delivering a new website andis the definition of Competent Person. A surface integrator, to project managermembership database Competent Person is required to sign-off for seismic surveys and exploration3.Reducing process waste and increaseon Public Reporting, however the current programmes and now, in the future fuelsvolunteer satisfaction practice is for a Competent Person to self-and circular economy space. Despite4.Managing conference risks andassess their qualifications. The review is moving steadily away from being at thediversifying content revenue looking to establish criteria against which coal-face of geophysical contributions5.Undertaking the tender process anda Competent Person can be assessed and on a day-to-day basis, my identity andcontract renewal for publicationsconfirmed.first passion remains geophysics, and Imincluding advertising This is excellent news with respect to so excited to be back at the ASEG in aimproving the quality and standards leadership role. I will report back on our progress against these outcomes over the next 12 months. of geophysical data that is used in Today we find ourselves in a pivotalexploration and development of mineral moment in history, at the start of anThese outcomes were developed byresources, and for ensuring that suitably energy transition with increasing globalthe FEDEX at our annual Strategy Day,qualified and competent geophysicists momentum to move to a Net Zero future.which was held the day after the AGM.sign off on that data. The ASEG and its There is no doubt that these changesBy establishing outcomes that we wantMembers have an important role to will have a profound impact on theto achieve across short, medium andplay in establishing these best practice profession of geophysics, from the typeslong-term time horizons, we were able tostandards. In order to ensure that our of problems that geophysics is calledidentify the priority areas that our actionsvoices are heard, and that we play a upon to solve, to the likely volatility ofand deliverables should be focused on.leading role in the JORC review, the 3 PREVIEW JUNE 2022'