b'Crossword Preview crossword #201 2 345 6 7 8 910 1112 13 14 Across Down4Saturated hydrocarbons with either straight or branched chains of carbon1The process by which organic material in sediments is thermally altered by atoms e.g., phytane increasing temperature.7Unconsolidated aquatic sedimentary deposit rich in lipid organic matter2Organic material of land plant origin, especially that which is rich in lipid derived chiefly from phyto-plankton and putrefied under reducing conditions components8Sand or man-made, sand-sized particles pumped into a formation during a3 Decomposition of organic matter by heating in the absence of oxygenhydraulic fracturing treatment to keep fractures open so that oil and natural gas can flow through the fractures to the wellbore9 The conversion of a compound into another compound containing the same5Term applied to bacteria or other microorganisms that live and grow in the atoms in the molecule but arranged in a different way. absence of molecular oxygen11Elementary organic units of coal that can be distinguished under the6Referring to all organic compounds characterised by open-chain structuresmicroscope.13 Cavities, voids or large pores in a rock that are commonly lined with mineral10Treatment of a rock sample with hydrochloric acid, water and hydrofluoric precipitates (adj.) acid to expose the organic material and its original texture14General name for sediments consisting of, or rich in, combustible native12The residue obtained from the distillation of crude oil after all fractions, (organic) matter and its natural derivatives including lubricating oils, have been taken off.Play to win!!Send your answers to previeweditor@aseg.org.au. The first correct entry received from an ASEG Member will win two Hoyts E- CINEGIFT passes. The answers will be published in the next edition of Preview.Good luck!JUNE 2022 PREVIEW 48'