b'Webwaves WebwavesIan James ASEG Webmasterwebmaster@aseg.org.au2021 in review: The ASEG websiteIn 2021, there continued to be additional virtual offerings from the ASEG due to restrictions imposed by COVID-19. For the YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/ASEGVideos) this included adding 24 additional videos from virtual and hybrid events. The YouTube channel userbase continues to grow, withFigure 1.Top ten pages on the ASEG website in 2021subscribers now numbering 371, up from 229 in 2020. The channel had 6803 viewsOther popular content continues to beTable 1.Percentage of website users in 2021, with views in Australia increasingthe free workshop proceedings availableidentifying as femaleby 60%. As we move into 2022, the ASEGat https://www.aseg.org.au/continuous-intends to continue offering recordingseducation/workshop-proceedings. AfterYear Female usersof events on YouTube for those who area period without any additions, 2021 saw2017 30.3%unable to attend in-person events. the successful MAG21 symposium held in WA with proceedings now available2018 31.9%The ASEG website represents the mainon the website. Despite only being2019 32.1%digital portal to the Society. Websiteonline for a month, these have been2020 33.1%usage increased last year, with pagedownloaded 130 times from users in2021 34.4%views up from 46 830 views in 2020seven different countries.to 58 018 in 2021. The Preview page (/publications/PVCurrent in Figure 1) continued to be the most popular page on the website, excluding the home page (/) and user page (/user). Views of the Preview page were flat on 2020, with a small increase from 3245 to 3249 views.Other popular pages included the events page (/events), with views increasing from 1501 to 2288 in 2021. Otherwise, the technical content on the website remained popular, with the Isles and Rankin textbook webpage having 1436 page views, a large increase on the 659 page views in 2020.Encouragingly, the latest addition to the ASEG bookshop, Doug Morrisons Measuring Terrestrial Magnetism book was the 7th most popular webpage, a very positive sign given the mid-year launch of the book. Figure 2.Access to the ASEG website by country.41 PREVIEW FEBRUARY 2022'