b'Geophysics in the surveysNewsGeological Survey of New South Wales: UpdateThe Mining, Exploration and Geoscienceis a major participant in the MinEx CRCopen-file and pre-competitive data. (MEG) group in the Department ofproject and has committed $16M toGeophysical survey data, images and Regional New South Wales (DRNSW)the programme over ten years. Workgrids can be downloaded and viewed aims to make NSW the number onecommenced in 2018 and GSNSW isin various ways through MinView. For mining investment destination infocused on five areas in NSW that areinstructions on how to download state Australia. NSW is experiencing a mineralknown extensions of mineralised terrainwide geophysical imagery or grids, and exploration boom as companies searchunder cover in regional NSW. survey data watch this instructional for high-technology metals. Therevideo:are many reasons that make NSW anGeophysical surveys are an integral attractive location for exploration. Thesecomponent of this project; with detailshttps://www.youtube.com/include NSWs relatively under-exploredof surveys completed and proposedwatch?v=dwEQkiYeWXc&t=1386sterrains, excellent infrastructure thatprovided in the 2021 August edition supports regional development, ourof Preview. These surveys supportMinEx CRC Cobar Airborne cooperative drilling programmes, ageological interpretation to target areasMagnetic and Radiometric (AMR) strong mining regulatory frameworkfor stratigraphic drilling using the Deepersurveywith workable legislation to supportExploration Technologies CRC coiled-environment and communitytubing drill rig. DRNSWs Geological Survey, with obligations, and our world class pre- Geoscience Australia, coordinated an competitive data. MinView AMR survey over the greater Cobar and Nyngan region (Figures 1 and 2). MinView is GSNSWs online applicationThe survey was undertaken as part of Titles Management System that makes it easy to view and accessGSNSWs commitment to MinEx CRC.DRNSWs new Titles Management System (TMS) is an online application that gives industry end-to-end management of exploration and mining titles with increased transparency and accountability.TMS has a user dashboard that displays real-time multi-stage status tracking of lodged applications. Users can also pay application and pre-grant fees via a secure payment portal, attach documents post lodgement, view correspondence, and receive system notifications.TMS is also used for annual reporting and allows the user to upload geophysical surveys acquired over/on their tenement. Data must be submitted in standard formats to ensure usability and interoperability. These data can be made open-file after five-years. Open-file geophysical surveys are made publicly available through MinView. Large, high-quality airborne magnetic and radiometric surveys are incorporated into our state-wide merges, which can also be found on MinView.MinEx Collaborative Research Centre (CRC)MinEx CRC is the worlds largest mineral exploration collaboration, bringing together industry, government, research organisations and universities. The project will further our understanding of geology, minerals and groundwater in areas that are under cover. GSNSWFigure 1.Map showing MinEx CRC Cobar AMR survey area.DECEMBER 2021 PREVIEW 18'