b'AEGC 2021Short abstractsstripping and mining, the results can be used in reflectionaccess to data has become critical in order to keep project and seismic imaging. As the compressional velocity (Vp) resultoperations moving forward when travel has become impossible is in depth, it can be used for both statics computation andand/or risky due to the pandemic.directly as the shallow part of a depth imaging velocity model where reflection-based velocity derivation is poor. The shearThe bulk density can be derived based on measured volume velocity (Vs) information can also be used to create a modelfrom the LiDAR, combined with the weight of the core tray. for subtractive attenuation of the ground-roll for subsequentThe method is suitable for friable sediment core where a reflection imaging. true representation of the friable sample through manual measurements and estimates can be error prone. The new This paper demonstrates how detailed 3D volumes of both Vpmethod has been tested and applied in live application by and Vs velocities have been co-operatively inverted from divingIron ore companies in Western Australia where extensive and surface waves respectively, directly into the depth domaincomparisons between the new method and the traditional over coal mining leases in Queensland, Australia. have been made. The method has also been tested on known volumes and densities for verification and demonstrate both a 83: A time-lapse feasibility workflow incorporating corehigh level of repeatability and accuracy.calibrated 4D rock physics models86: Quantifying uplift using compaction methods; Mr Christian Proud 1 and Mr Rob Ross1 A case study from the Exmouth Plateau, Northern 1 Qeye Carnarvon Basin Proud et. al. (2020) demonstrated the (frequently neglected)Mr Patrick Makuluni 1, Dr Juerg Hauser2, Dr Laurent Langhi3 effect of pressure depletion on the 4D seismic response. and Dr Stuart Clark4The pressure response is a combination of the change of fluid1 School of Minerals and Energy Resources, University of New properties with pressure and the change of matrix propertiesSouth Wales, Sydney, Australiawith pressure. 2 CSIRO MineralsTHe pressure effects are seen to be significant in the reservoirs3 CSIROinvestigated. 4 UNSWIn this paper the authors extend this work with reference toUplift events have caused the failure of hydrocarbon seals empirical models we illustrate how this method can be appliedresulting from subsequent deformation and fault development if core calibration is not available and draw conclusions on theor reactivation. On the other hand, escaping hydrocarbons from uncertainty in the pressure effect modelling. the breached seals may accumulate in new traps, and fracturing of brittle reservoir rocks during uplift enhances reservoir productivity. These and other factors justify the importance of 85: Digitalizing the mining industry - 3D scanning ofquantifying and constraining the distribution of uplift within core trays to produce volumetric bulk densities sedimentary basins for hydrocarbon exploration purposes. Multiple studies have discovered evidence of uplift in the Mr Mikael Arthursson1, Mrs Annelie Lundstrm2 and Exmouth Plateau of the Northern Carnarvon Basin; however, Mr Angus Tod 1 the temporal and spatial distribution of this uplift has not been 1 Minalyze Pty Ltd fully quantified. Common methods use sediments thermal 2 Minalyze AB properties to estimate maximum burial depth and subsequently quantify and constrain sediment uplift. However, these Minalyzer CS is a scanner which in a contactless non-destructivethermal-based methods lack accuracy where sediments have way generates geochemistry, high-resolution images, rockbeen heated by magmatic intrusions, for example, the Triassic quality designation (RQD), structures, specific gravity and bulkMungaroo formation sediments in the Northern Carnarvon density for drill cores and other drill samples. Basin. In this work, we use compaction-derived methods to quantify and constrain the distribution of uplift and its impact The patented scanner is designed for handling large volumeson the hydrocarbon systems in the Exmouth Plateau, Northern of drill samples and is capable of scanning drill cores directly inCarnarvon Basin. We used porosity data (corrected for digenesis) core trays. A laser (LiDAR) generates a 3D-model of the topologyfrom 68 wells of the Australian National Offshore Petroleum of the core and trays, enabling the control and precision ofInformation Management System (NOPIMS) to accurately the continuous XRF scanning. RQD and structures are also beestimate maximum burial depths and subsequently estimate derived based on the 3D-model. uplift. Results indicate larger uplift (up to 1.4km) in the central The objective, continuous and consistent nature of theand southwestern part of the Exmouth Plateau from mid-Triassic datasets and the high but compact data density generated byto the present. The spatial distribution of uplift correlates with the scanning technology is paramount in machine learningthe distribution of magmatic intrusions in the region. We suggest and deep learning applications and approaches to geology.that, in addition to compression, the multiple Late Triassic to Machine learning and deep learning have been demonstratedEarly Cretaceous rifting events in the Northern Carnarvon Basin to be effectively used, based on the data from the scanning, fortriggered magmatic intrusions that produced permanent uplift. prediction of host rock lithologies. Uplift results from Vitrinite Reflectance are slightly higher than those from compaction-based methods, suggesting extra heat A cloud-based software www.minalogger.com for visualisationinput from these intrusions. This uplift majorly controlled the and generation of datasets through digital tools facilitatesdistribution of Jurassic source rocks in the Northern Carnarvon remote access to a digital version of the drill sample. RemoteBasin.75 PREVIEW AUGUST 2021'