b'Webwaves Webwavesusers, with only 8.1% of worldwide marketFirefox, the phoenix that rose from share in June 2021 (https://gs.statcounter. the Netscape ashes. Competing with com/browser-market-share/desktop/ Google by focussing more on privacy. worldwide/#monthly-202106-202106-bar). Available here www.mozilla.org/en-US/The ASEG website continues to have usersfirefox/new/accessing content on Internet Explorer;Brave, a free and open-source however, the decline in use of IE is quitebrowser that has a focus on privacy - evident from our numbers (Figure 2). Inautomatically blocks adverts and trackers June 2021, 0.7% of visits were from IE,but gives users the option of allowing this compares with 6.25% in June 2020adverts in return for a share in the and 16.2% in June 2019. When visits fromrevenue through the BAT cryptocurrency. Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer areAvailable here https://brave.com/combined, this decline is less evident,Safari, for users in the Apple ecosystem, Ian Jameswith 13.5% of users in June 2020 andthe Safari browser comes pre-installed.ASEG Webmaster11% of users in June 2021. Despite theUpdates on the ASEG websitewebmaster@aseg.org.au initial release of Microsoft Edge back in 2015, it wasnt until 2020 that more usersThis month, the donations page of the accessed the ASEG website using EdgeASEG website (https://www.aseg.org.The slow death of Internet Explorer rather than IE. The majority of visits to theau/foundation/donate) was updated ASEG website come from Chrome, Safarito allow users to optionally specify In late June this year Microsoft unveiledand Firefox. that donations should be directed to their latest version of Windows: WindowsFor users looking to move away fromthe Richard Lane Scholarship. We also 11. This newest version of the operatingusing Internet Explorer, there are variousimplemented an option to choose to system will no longer have Internetoptions available now: make anonymous donations, or to make Explorer (IE) installed. Internet Explorerdonations on behalf of someone (e.g. 11, released in 2013 with Windows 8.1,Microsoft Edge, the successor toin memory of). Donations to the ASEG is officially the last version. It has passedInternet Explorer. Available here www. Research Foundation can also be made on! This browser is no more! It has ceasedmicrosoft.com/edge via the webpage and promote research to be! It has expired and gone to meetGoogle Chrome, currently the mostin applied geophysics by providing its maker! It is a stiff! Bereft of life, it restspopular web browser, and based ongrants at the BSc (Honours), MSc and PhD in peace! (modified from Monty Pythonthe Chromium source code, which islevel. A list of sponsored projects can be http://montypython.50webs.com/scripts/ free and open-source. Available herefound here https://www.aseg.org.au/Series_1/53.htm). www.google.com/chrome/ foundation/sponsored-projects.On 15 June 2022, IE will be officially retired (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/lifecycle/faq/internet-explorer-microsoft-edge#what-is-the-lifecycle-policy-for-internet-explorer). Microsoft Teams is already incompatible with IE and, from 17 August 2021, the remaining Office365 applications will cease to work with IE as well (https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-365-blog/microsoft-365-apps-say-farewell-to-internet-explorer-11-and/ba-p/1591666). For those who have websites that only work in IE, Microsoft Edge will continue to have an IE mode that will be supported until 2029.Figure 1.Internet Explorer usage 1995-2019 (from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Internet-explorer-For the vast majority of us, the passing ofusage-data.svg).Internet Explorer will go unnoticed; for web developers, there will be a huge sigh of relief. IE has been on the decline for over a decade, with the release of Google Chrome in 2008 resulting in a precipitous reduction in usage (Figure 1). Microsofts successor to IE is called Microsoft Edge, now a Chromium based browser using the same code base as Google Chrome. However, it has struggled to get adoption fromFigure 2.ASEG website visits from Jan 2017 - June 2021. IE in orange and Edge in green.41 PREVIEW AUGUST 2021'