b'CommitteesASEG newsprogramme to reach a broader sectionFortescue Metals Group (FMG) Earlyopen to all students and young of the resources industry\x08 Participants ofCareer Networking Event: professionals\x08 More details to come!!the programme will be involved in more events throughout 2021, fostering theA fun night of networking withStudent Bursaries mentoring relationships and networkingstudents, fellow young professionals and industry with some competitions,The QLD branch of ASEG usually across the cohort\x08 offers bursaries to cover travel for lucky door prizes and a bar tab thrown in! To be held at a nearby venue afterstudents or new graduates to large AEGC 2021 (Kat Gioseffi andthe Welcome reception\x08 ASEG conferences\x08 As we are hosting, the bursaries will be offered first and Nicholas Josephs) Friday 17 September 2021 foremost to regional students this year\x08 The AEGC 2021 is fast approaching,If you are or know of an interested party High School Student Day: please contact qldsecretary@aseg\x08org\x08au and we have a sneak peek at the Earlyor nick@energeo\x08com\x08au\x08Career and Student focused events forA structured full day programme the upcoming conference, to be held inof speakers, demonstrations, andJarrod Dunne Brisbane this September: activities for Year 10-12 students\x08 ASEG Young Professionals Network FederalChair Thursday 16 September 2021 Saturday 18th September 2021 ypadmin@aseg.org.au.Meet and Greet at the Brisbane Sign byTertiary Student Afternoon Industry the river in Southbank: panel & Student and Early Career presentation competition:An informal get-together prior to the conference Welcome Reception as a bitAn afternoon session with an Industry of an ice breaker and a chance to meetQ&A Panel followed by a fast-paced fellow students and young professionals\x08 3-minute presentation competition 7 PREVIEW FEBRUARY 2021'