b'Seismic window between adjacent grains is restricted byto noise which is ever present atwas opened at a poker evening and recrystallization. low amplitudes boosting noise isfound to be the best red ever consumed detrimental to the final product soby the attendees.With Q included we now have athere are also many ways to reduce reflection one ten-billionth of thenoise (the most robust being stacking)In June 2016 I wrote an article on source energy. However all is not lost,in the seismic processing centre. the boom and bust nature of the oil because we can apply corrections suchindustry and predicted things were as spherical divergence correctionSome loose ends looking up. Unfortunately the oil and q compensation to boost theprice has not recovered over the last amplitudes back to something likeEarlier this year readers were invited to5 years and is still trading around $US the amplitude near the source. Butenter a competition to win a bottle of40.00/bbl. Like many of my colleagues, these corrections are also appliedwine. There were no entries so the bottleIam available. 45 PREVIEW DECEMBER 2020'