b'Geophysics in the surveysNewsGeoscience Australia: 2020 GADDS release and new national gravity gridsIt goes without saying that it hasthe tables updating progress in theEnhanced pre-delivery filtering been very challenging year for ourfollowing section. including data age, grid spacing, re-industry, particularly for acquisition.gridding algorithm, survey location Nevertheless, GA teams haveIn this months Preview, we are alsoand data type, to name just a fewcontinued to complete and release apleased to announce the public releaseOngoing development into 2021, with vast array of high-quality technically- of the new GA geophysical archive datathe capability to deliver airborne EM, robust geophysical products; alldelivery system (GADDS) on Decemberinversions and other multi-dimensional geared towards better informed9. The release will be held in conjunctiondatasetsdecision-making for Australianwith an ASEG webinar to highlight some mineral, energy and groundwaterof the new options and capabilities.resource development. With our keyNew national gravity gridscollaborative State Agency partners2020 GADDS release Geoscience Australia was pleased in Western Australia, South Australia,to release the 2019 national gravity Northern Territory, Queensland, NewThe new GADDS, to be released oncompilation on October 7. The release South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania, weDecember 9, comes with: represented the first time ground gravity, have seen the completion and deliveryThe release of approximately 360 newairborne gravity/gravity gradiometry, of AusAEM2, joint magnetic and gravityproducts, including various filteredsatellite and marine gravity observations inversions across Northern Australia,derivatives of the national compilations have been combined to produce a solid progress on the WA airborne EMAn improved graphical/GISbasedseries of national gravity grids covering program (AusAEM20) and the updatedinterface, facilitating the choice ofan area more than twice the size of the national gravity compilationsjustdatasets country (see Figure 2). GAs electronic to name a few. The survey locationsSuperior data selection mechanisms,catalogue provides a full suite of these are shown in Figure1 and informationincluding user-imported windows grids, including processing notes and about the surveys can be found in Figure 1.2019 -2021 geophysical surveysin progress, planned or still for release by Geoscience Australia in collaboration with State and Territory agencies. 13 PREVIEW DECEMBER 2020'