b'Branch newsASEG newsThe Victorian quarantine diaries certainly no unforgivable sea of trash strewn across the normally pristine lawns What was supposed to have been aof the Club Stand. Of course, the only 42 day hard lockdown for Victoriansthing that did remain unchanged was became 112 protracted grinding days ofthat international horses took out the anguish, distress and suffering for mostrace honours.of Victorias 6.35 million inhabitants. But Melbourne is finally back on the beers!It was also the first time in its Not only have Victorians beaten thecelebrated history that the Victorian second-wave of the pandemic but weBranch failed to host any (face-to-face) have crushed it! As I write, Victoria hastechnical meetings during an entire just recorded 37 double-doughnut days.calendar year. Not exactly how your That is, 37 straight days of zero infectionscommittee envisaged 2020 was going Laundering money after one of the participantsand zero COVID-related deaths. Thankto pan out at all. As Branch President, in the ASEG SA-NT Branch Melbourne Cup lunchyou to the people of Victoria as weI will stoically go down in infamy. mistakenly put their teams funds into an empty (full) water glass. solemnly begin the job of making allFinally, I want to thank all our members beers endangered species. for their support, trust, and mateship Tasmania during what will certainly go down in So, there were a lot of firsts duringhistory as a year of incredible adversity, Tasmania Branch members and gueststhe second Victorian lockdown. Thehardship, and peril for everyone. Have a enjoyed a most pleasant and convivialAFL Grand Final was played outside ofsafe and enjoyable festive season. Your dinner celebration of the ASEGs 50thVictoria for the first and only time ever committee looks forward to happier anniversary, at the University of Tasmaniain BrisVegaswith the first bounce attimes with all our members. Now, GET Club on Friday 20 November. Betweentwilight. Dont get too used to hosting soON THE BEERS!three delicious courses, Tara Martinmany AFL games Queenslandalright? of CSIRO entertained and educatedOK, so I falsely named Port Adelaide in the gathering with a run-down of RVthe last edition of Preview as this years Investigators impressive geophysicalAFL premiers. I must have bought an capabilities, followed by some tales ofinaccurate copy of Grays Almanac 2000-adventure and misadventure from a50 as it also stated that The Donald was career in Antarctic waters and elsewhere.a two consecutive term President of the A good time was had by all, as they sayUnited States. Looks like I will have to find in the classics. other more traditional means of helping Meeting notices, details about venues andto generate funds for the ASEG.relevant contact details can also be foundIn another first, it was a different Cup on the Tasmanian Branch page on thethis year, a Cup like no other. For the ASEG website. As always, we encouragefirst time in its 159 year history, the members to keep an eye on the seminar/ famed Melbourne Cup was celebrated webinar programme at the Universitywith no crowds, no Birdcage and no of Tasmania / CODES, which routinelyfizz. Wow! There was no extreme pluvioThong Huynh includes presentations of a geophysicalevent, as expected by racegoers everyvicpresident@aseg.org.auand computational nature as well as on aearly November. There were no reckless broad range of earth sciences topics. intoxicated men and women performing Mark Duffettvarious despicable acts in front of theWestern Australiataspresident@aseg.org.au horses on racecourse grounds. There wasGreetings once again from Perth and WA. WA has just lifted most of its interstate bans, so I expect well be seeing (healthy) family and friends from the rest of Australia very soon. Also, since the 2021 AEGC in Brisbane is now a go, we are going ahead with our Student Award programme, which will fund two deserving local students to travel to Brisbane next year. More to follow.In terms of activities, on November 10, Rich Bartlett of Shearwater gave a talk (webinar) on the practicalities of imaging through and around lava flows, Pre-stack Depth Imaging: Challenges in exploration-scale volcanic geobody model-building in the Potiguar Basin, Celebrating the ASEGs 50th anniversary from left: Mark Duffett, John Bishop, Anya Reading, David Rigg,Brazil. Rich walked us through a Michael Roach, Gerrit Olivier, Wei Xuen Heng, Matthew Cracknell, Tara Martin and Catherine Duffett. case study detailing the concepts 7 PREVIEW DECEMBER 2020'