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ASEG History Appendix 3

Editorial, ASEG Bulletin, Volume 1, Number 1, September 1970

The geophysical scene in Australia is rapidly changing, with emphasis being placed on more advanced forms of recording, processing and interpretation of data. The gap between theoretical research, the use in a viable field method, and the understanding and interpretation of the results of these new techniques by geophysicists and management is widening as time goes on. The ASEG Bulletin will endeavor to narrow this gap by enabling members to communicate to some extent with all segments of the geophysical world. It will provide a forum for new ideas, and a vehicle for dissemination of methods which have proved useful to Australian explorationists. As well, the Bulletin will offer the lay public and the news media some insight into current exploration methods, and the effect these have on ecology and the standard of living.

In this, our first issue, it is appropriate that we look at our history and use its lessons wisely in planning for the future. Mr E.M. McNatt ably presents four decades of progress in petroleum geophysics in our feature article, and it is hoped that a similar review of the mineral exploration field will be available for publication in our next volume.

E.R. Crain

Editor, ASEG Bulletin